So, it’s decided.
You. Need. Help.
SNAP to it! workshop DETAILS:
WHEN: Saturday, May 4th from 10am to 1pm
WHERE: My home, Thornton, CO
WHERE: My home, Thornton, CO
Please Note: This class will not be covering any information on starting a photography business, advanced photography skills or Photoshop techniques; but rather is focused on the every day photos you take, and the basic concepts of using your camera off of auto-mode. If you’re looking for education on taking your photography to the next level, this class is not for you.
* A small booklet to keep with you and refer back to when you go home.
* Lunch
* A child model during the last hour of class to practice the new concepts you’ve learned.
* A private facebook group to stay connected and help each other learn after the class is over.
* a DSLR camera (this is a digital camera that allows you to switch lenses). Here’s a general list of popular DSLR camera’s:
nice~Canon Digital Rebel T3, Canon Digital Rebel T2i, Nikon D3000, Nikon D5100 ($500-$650 with kit lens)
nicer~Canon Digital Rebel T3i, Canon 60D , Nikon D90 ($780-$980 body only)
nicest~Canon Canon 7D, Canon 5D MarkII, Nikon D300, Nikon D7000, Nikon D700 ($1500-$2500 body only)
* Kit Lens that comes with your camera. If you really want to step up your game, consider purchasing a 50mm 1.8 lens via Amazon for CANON or NIKON. This is not required, but I think you will really love how your pictures look when using it! Cost is just over $100 for this type of lens.
* You must bring your manual!
* Bring a pen/notebook in case I say something earth shattering and you want to write it down

The cost the workshop is $80, due when you register (this is the only way to officially reserve your seat). I am limiting the class to 10 people, so that we have time for a little one-on-one instruction.
* Learn how to get your camera off ‘auto mode’ by understand the exposure triangle (ISO, Shutter speed, Aperture).
* Learn how to utilize natural light and turn your flash off!
* Tips on getting natural and candid photograph’s of your children.
* Understanding composition and how it effects the feel of your picture.
* You will then put your new knowledge to use with a little photo shoot!
**Email me: Seats are reserved after payment is made…first come, first serve basis. Remember only 10 spots available!
fine print: The workshop fee of $80 is due at time of registration and is non refundable. However, you may sell your seat to someone else if you are unable to attend.