HI! I'm Becky Anderson. I am a natural light photographer. I find that natural light captures the emotion and personality of those I photograph best.
I do the majority of my photographs outdoors for two reasons. One, I love the element that nature, with its deep hues and filtered light, brings to the photo. Second, the natural light in the openness of the great outdoors brings an artistic element to photos that is gorgeous and unique.
One of my favorite locations here in Lincoln is East Campus. It offers such variety and is very kid friendly :) Enjoy the picture of this family in our "white castle".
Wow that was weird to type 2012. Where have the years gone? Miss {c} will be graduating next year and she gave me the opportunity to take her senior pictures before we leave. Here are a few of my favorite:
{c} wanted some vintage looking pictures. These were my favorite.
After spotting this awesome place while visiting the Farmers market, I talked some friends into waking up bright and early so we could get some pictures there. I LOVED how they turned out. They are such a fun family and you can see their personality come out in the pictures. Enjoy!